Jasmina Bosevska


Bilateral Meetings

  • (14.00-15.20) 2021-11-18
DescriptionThe Federation of Farmers is a voluntary, non-governmental association of the National Commission that unites the work of all farmers who are members of agricultural associations in the Republic of Macedonia to exercise their rights and interests in a modern and democratic way. Role of the NFF: - Lobbying, advocacy and strategic liaison with related organizations - NFF works on networking of farmers through direct communication and involvement and preparation of a proposal for financial support, laws, functionalization of the strategy for agriculture and rural development - Access to timely and accurate information - Technical support and education of the membership
Organization Type Representatives from NGO
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year2002
City Skopje , Gigo Mihajhlovski 4/1
Areas of Activities

Rural and agricultural development